Liberia FETP Trainees Assist With Outbreak Investigation


Liberia FETP Trainees Assist with Outbreak Investigation

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An outbreak of food poisoning started on January 19th in Bo Town, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia. The food poising affected 12 out of 27 people who ate food from the same vendor. Fortunately, all of the patients have been treated and discharged from the isolation center at the Bo Town Health Facilty.




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Responding to the outbreak was Augustine Tuma, Grand Cape Mount County Surveillance Officer, a member of the first Liberia FETP cohort. Also involved in the outbreak were five district surveillance officers currently being trained in the second cohort: Mustapha Sombai (Tewor District), Morris Kamara (Porkpa District), Akoi Mayango (Gawula District), D. Momo Bai ( Gola Konneh District), and Edward Gbanya (Commonwealth District).

Dr. Peter Adewuyi, Liberia FETP Field Coordinator, organized the response efforts of the surveillance officers. The Liberia FETP investigated the outbreak as part of a larger team, which included the Officer in Charge of the Bo Town Health Facility, WHO Grand Cape Mount County Coordinator, the County Laboratory Technician, and the General Community Health Volunteer Coordinator for Tewor District.



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Mustapha Sombai
Tewor DSO
Liberia FETP, Cohort 2 





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