To promote One Health and continue improving surveillance, epidemiology, response, and scientific communication skills of public health workers at all levels, Liberia FETP graduated the 12th cohort of her Frontline FETP on September 10, 2021. The excited graduates from different walks of life in One Health agenda promised to employ skills gained in their various places of works and organizations.
Frontline Cohort 12 graduation group photo with Dr. Rachel Idowu, CDC Country Director, Hon. Jane Macauley, Director General, NPHIL, Dr. Yoti Zabulon, WHO Representative, Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, Resident Advisor, Liberia FETP, Mentors, and NPHIL staff Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 celebrating their graduation with Dr. Obafemi Babalola, Field Epidemiologist – Frontline Coordinator, Liberia FETP Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 celebrating their graduation with Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, Resident Advisor Liberia FETP Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 celebrating their graduation with Hon. Macauley, Director General, NPHIL Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, Resident Advisor Liberia FETP, showing a gift presented by the Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 to AFENET Liberia Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, Resident Advisor Liberia FETP, presenting certificate to a graduate at the Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 graduation Hon. MaCauley, Director General, NPHIL, presenting certificate to a graduate at the Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 graduation Dr. Rachel Idowu, US CDC Country Director, presenting certificate to a graduate at the Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 graduation Joseph, FC12 graduate presenting on “Investigation of KAPEX Ammonium Nitrate Scare, Grand Bassa County, Liberia, June 2021” during Liberia FETP FC12 graduation at the Ministry of Health, Liberia Thomcelia, FC12 graduate presenting on “Birth Registration Report, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Liberia, May 2020 – June 2021” during Liberia FETP FC12 graduation at the Ministry of Health, Liberia Joyce, FC12 graduate presenting on “Expanded Disease Surveillance Report, Liberia, Epi Week 14-30, 2021” during Liberia FETP FC12 graduation at the Ministry of Health, Liberia Dr. Rachel Idowu, US CDC Country Director, addressing Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 during graduation Liberia FETP Frontline Cohort 12 (FC12) Graduation, September 10, 2021 at the Ministry of Health, Monrovia