Cohort 5 was made up 21 District Surveillance Officers and 2 National Surveillance Officers. The three months training began on 6th November, 2016 and trainees graduated on 10th February, 2017. Present at the ceremony were the WHO Country Representative, personnel form US CDC Liberia office and Ministry of Health. We were also honored to have the Minister of Health, Dr. Bernice Dahn.

Dr. Bernice Dahn, presenting certificate to one of the trainees
Dr. Bernice Dahn, presenting certificate to one of the trainees

Ms. Alberta Corvah, a National Surveillance Officer and a member of Cohort 5, gave a presentation on her finding from a Maternal Mortality desk review that she conducted during her training. Mr.  George Tamatai, a District Surveillance Officer from Sinoe County, also gave a presentation on an unexplained cluster of death investigation that he conducted during his training.

CDC Liberia Country Director, Dr. Desmond Williams presenting certificate to one of the trainees.
CDC Liberia Country Director, Dr. Desmond Williams presenting certificate to one of the trainees

The National Public Health Institute of Liberia acknowledged that they have seen tremendous improvement in surveillance activities since FETP was introduced. The program is targeting the Zonal Surveillance Officers in Montserrado County for the 6th cohort.