Liberia FETP Frontline graduates its 4th Cohort

Liberia FETP Frontline graduated its 4th Cohort on 30th September, 2016. Present at the graduation ceremony were representatives from World Health Organization, U.S CDC Liberia office and the Ministry of Health, Liberia. At the graduation ceremony, trainees showcased some of their outputs which included Measles outbreak investigation, Maternal Death Investigation, and Schistosomiasis outbreak investigation.

A section of cohort 4 trainees at the graduation ceremony
A section of cohort 4 trainees at the graduation ceremony
Dr. Kainne (CDC Liberia Deputy Director) presenting a certificate to Cohort 4 trainee
Dr. Kainne (CDC Liberia Deputy Director) presenting a certificate to Cohort 4 trainee

The three months training which began on 4th July, 2016 was made up of twenty District Surveillance Officers, three County Surveillance Officers and Four National Surveillance Officers making a total of 27 participants. Overall, the FETP Frontline coverage in Liberia stands at 15/15 County Surveillance Officers and 71/ 92 District Surveillance Officers.