Graduation Milestone: LFETP Celebrates Seventh Cohort of Intermediate Program

LFETP IC7 Graduates with their certificates

The Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program (LFETP) successfully graduated the seventh cohort of its Intermediate Tier (FETP-IC7) on December 13, 2023. This significant achievement was made possible through the collaborative efforts of LFETP, African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), the West African Health Organization (WAHO), and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC).

IC7 Graduates with Faculty members

The graduation ceremony marked the culmination of a nine-month intensive training program, during which 12 residents were equipped with essential skills in field epidemiology. The diverse group included officers from national-level institutions such as NPHIL, the Ministry of Health (MOH), and the Environmental Protection Agency. District Surveillance Officers from Margibi, Grand Kru, and Maryland, a Data Manager from Montserrado, and an IT/GIS specialist contributed to the rich tapestry of expertise.

Throughout the program, residents delved into various aspects of applied field epidemiology, including disease surveillance with a focus on surveillance data analysis and system evaluation, outbreak investigation and response, data quality and management, observational studies, and public health communication.

The graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion featuring insightful speeches from supporting partners, faculty members, and scientific presentations by the graduates. One of the highlights was the group project presentation titled “Assessing the Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Preventive Practices of Monkeypox Disease, Liberia, 2023.” Additionally, a graduate presented a compelling session on the “Secondary Data Analysis of Water Quality Data in Liberia (2021-2022).”

LFETP remains dedicated to strengthening epidemiological capacity in Liberia, and the successful graduation of the FETP-IC7 cohort is a testament to the program’s commitment to advancing public health in the region. We extend our congratulations to the graduates and express gratitude to our collaborative partners for their ongoing support.

L-R: Hon. Jane Macauley, Director General NPHIL, Mr. Mulbah Reed, M&E Specialist US CDC, Dr. Peter Adewuyi, Resident Advisor Liberia FETP/Country Technical Lead, AFENET Liberia, and Mr. Paul Kennedy, Health System Strengthening & Policy Advisor, NPHIL
Cross-section of participants at the LFETP IC7 graduation
LFETP IC7 Graduates: style is permanent