1.1 Background

The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), works with ministries of Health and Agriculture/livestock to support workforce development through field epidemiology training programs. Since 2015, AFENET has collaborated with the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Institute of Liberia as lead implementers for the frontline and intermediate field epidemiology training programs largely targeting public health and a few animal health workers. AFENET has now entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Public Health institute of Liberia to expand field epidemiology training to include frontline Veterinary surveillance officers so as to strengthen surveillance and response capacities for animal health. AFENET would like to engage a veterinary Epidemiologist as an individual consultant to lead this effort working with key ministries and stakeholders in Liberia.

The IHR (2005), Joint External Evaluations of 2016 for Liberia reported lack of animal zoonotic disease surveillance systems to monitor the prioritized zoonotic and other diseases of economic importance. The existing animal disease reporting systems faces challenges of inadequate and well trained human resources at all levels especially at the community and district levels. The JEE further recommended development of a comprehensive animal health surveillance system that sources data from diverse animal health platforms including: clinical, slaughter houses, surveys and the community. For such systems to function optimally there is need for a critical number of skilled field epidemiologists to collect, analyze interpret and report animal disease data as well as initiating timely response activities. The Global Health Security Agenda’s workforce development action package has set a minimum target of 1 field epidemiologist per 400,000 animals (CDC, 2014). With the estimated livestock population in Liberia of close to nine million (SET, 2017), about 25 veterinary epidemiologists are needed to meet this target. Under the REDISSE funding, Liberia has therefore prioritized the training of animal health surveillance officers at the central and county levels. These surveillance officers who are being newly-recruited will be trained in the basics of field epidemiology and animal disease surveillance and response; detection, reporting, data analysis and interpretation, monitoring and evaluation, and outbreak investigation and control. The surveillance officers will also be expected to provide supervision for the community animal workers to be trained.

AFENET Secretariat Lugogo House, Ground Floor (Wings B&C) Plot 42, Lugogo By-Pass P.O BOX 12874, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 417 700 650 Fax: +256 312 265 595

For the Veterinary Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP-V) in Liberia


The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to select a qualified and experienced individual Consultant, a trained veterinary field epidemiologist with broad understanding field epidemiology training programs, their core competencies and contributions to strengthen disease surveillance and response systems.

1.3 Consultancy Objective

The successful consultant will spearhead development and implementations of a Field Epidemiology Training Program for veterinarians in Liberia working along with ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and their technical partners such as WHO, FAO, CDC and AFENET.

1.4 Scope of work

Develop a one health anchored frontline FETP curriculum for animal health workers with relevant didactic modules and field packages that will impart the desired core competencies for animal disease surveillance and response.

  •   Conduct a curriculum validation and mentors orientation workshop
  •   Train 30 animal health surveillance officers at the national/central and county levels in frontline fieldepidemiology through in-class sessions and field work.
  •   Review existing tools and technical guidelines for animal disease control in Liberia so as designrelevant field projects that will strengthen disease surveillance and response capabilities of theministry of agriculture
  •   Work with national level veterinary officers to provide mentorship for fieldwork ensuring applicationof knowledge gained in the class to addressing real surveillance and response gaps in the animalhealth sectors.
  •   Submit workshop reports after each workshop and a comprehensive report on each graduate at theend of the training to AFENET Ministry of Agriculture.
  •   Submit technical updates to the One Health workforce technical working group and AFENET
  •   To present financial and technical reports at the end of the training or at any time as requested by thetechnical working group and AFENET.1.5 Expected deliverables
  •   A one health anchored frontline FETP curriculum for animal health workers
  •   Monthly and quarterly progress reports
  •   A well trained cohort of 30 animal health surveillance officers capable to operate surveillance andresponse systems for animal health
  •   End of Project report with lesson learnt and recommendations for sustaining this in-service trainingprogram.

AFENET Secretariat Lugogo House, Ground Floor (Wings B&C) Plot 42, Lugogo By-Pass P.O BOX 12874, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 417 700 650 Fax: +256 312 265 595

1.2 Purpose of Solicitation


AFENET Secretariat Lugogo House, Ground Floor (Wings B&C) Plot 42, Lugogo By-Pass P.O BOX 12874, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 417 700 650 Fax: +256 312 265 595

1.6 Period of Performance: Six Months starting (July 1 – Dec 30, 2019) 1.7 Qualifications and Experience:

  •   Advanced degree in veterinary medicine and post graduate training (Master’s or higher) in field epidemiology from known FETPs in Africa.
  •   Strong knowledge, understanding and practical experience of animal disease surveillance and response systems in Africa
  •   Demonstrated experience with any field epidemiology training program in Africa as a trainer or mentors of trainees.
  •   At least 5 years’ professional experience in designing and implementation of animal health programs and one health projects in Africa
  •   Coordination skills, as demonstrated by previous professional experience with multi-sectoral partnerships, partnerships with civil society organizations, or international organizations
  •   Strong knowledge of using Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) for analysis and reporting
  •   Strong English language skills
  •   Ability to work in a high pressure environment and meet deadlines1.8 ReportingConsultant will be expected to prepare monthly and quarterly reports for submission to AFENET. The final report submitted in time as stipulated in the contract with REDISSE-II Project Coordination Unit and drawn in 2 hard copies and to be submitted also in soft copy (in MS WORD or PDF Formats). Payment to the Consultant shall be made after submission of approved monthly/ quarterly reports. The reporting templates will be provided by AFENET (if applicable) once obtained from World bank / for reporting.1.8 Application Process
  •   Interested candidates should submit an Expression of Interest detailing their technical approach, work plan /time lines, budget for their professional fees to achieving project deliverables.
  •   He/ She should include a capability statement highlighting the desired experiences and qualifications. This should be submitted with a detailed curriculum Vitae, relevant academic documents and 3 references online to: The Human Resource Office, African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) via Email: by June 19, 2019 by close of business.
  •   Any submissions after the closing date shall be rejected
  •   AFENET reserves the right to accept or reject any submission and is not bound committed nor obligedto shortlist any candidate and ONLY successful candidates shall be contacted for further discussions.