Dr. Amo-Addae details Liberia FETP for the IMS

Dr. Amo-Addae details Liberia FETP for the IMS

Yesterday, February 4, Liberia FETP Resident Advisor, Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, delivered a presentation to the National Technical Surveillance Committee of the Incident Management System.

During her presentation, Dr. Amo-Addae covered the structure and achievements of the program, as well as recommendations for improving the district and county surveillance officers’ ability to both prevent and respond to incidents.

Feedback from the committee was considerably positive. In fact, there was general agreement that the FETP involved with all surveillance activities in Liberia. In addition, Mr. Thomas Nagbe, Director of the Disease Prevention and Control for the Ministry of Health, is examining how the FETP’s model of mentorship for supervision can be incorporated into other divisions. He hopes his team can co-mentor along with the FETP.

Dr. Amo-Addae’s Presentation

[pdf-embedder url=”[pdf-embedder url=”https://backup.liberiafetp.com/wp-content/uploads/Liberia-FETP-Update-4th-Feb-2016.pdf” width=”400″]