Call for Applications for Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training, Liberia by Training Lead, NPHIL

The National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) has trained 2 cohorts of the Intermediate level of the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) in the last 2 years. To further increase the capacity and continue to build a resilient health force, the third cohort will be admitted for training in January 2018.

Course structure

The Intermediate FETP is a field-based training (75% field work, 25% classroom work). This training runs for a total of 9 months, leading to the award of certificate of completion, upon successful completion of all outputs and demonstration of skill and competency acquisition.


At the end of the training, the Intermediate FETP graduate should have acquired following competencies in the following domains:





Competencies (Able to…)

Outbreak Investigation 

Conduct outbreak investigations using descriptive epidemiology




Planned Studies

Design, conduct, analyze, and interpret data from descriptive

epidemiologic studies

–   Analyze surveillance and outbreak data using descriptive epidemiology methods

–   Participate in the planning, conduct, and analysis of cross- sectional studies

–   Interpret surveillance and descriptive epidemiologic data

–   Use of Epi info to analyze data



PH Surveillance

Summarize data from and evaluate surveillance systems

–   Summarize surveillance data using tables, graphs, maps

–   Interpret surveillance data

–   Produce surveillance reports for external distribution

–   Evaluate effectiveness and performance of a surveillance




Scientific Communication

Develop and deliver oral communications to both technical and non- technical audiences

Communicate findings for public health action

Produce epidemiologic reports for external distribution

–   Produce surveillance reports for external distribution

–   Write field investigation reports



Pre-requisite for admission

Job-related: The applicant should be a Government worker involved in disease surveillance and be willing to be re-assigned after the training

Academic: The applicant should be a graduate of Frontline FETP and/or be prepared to undertake a pre-admission frontline competency assessment

Logistics: The applicant should have access to a functioning laptop throughout the period of the training.




For the third cohort, applications are being invited from disease surveillance officers at the national, county and district levels.

Interested applicants should submit the following:

  1. Letter of application
  2. Letter of recommendation from supervisor: Indication of support by immediate supervisor and willingness to allow applicant time to attend the workshops and conduct fieldwork exercises
  3. Letter of motivation/interest: Reasons why the applicant wants to undertake the course (not more than one page).
  4. Current curriculum vitae

Deadline for application: Friday, 21st December 2018

Mode of submission: By email to OR by hand-delivery to Mrs. Faith Kamara Whesseh or Mrs. Louisa K. Cassell of the Training and Capacity Building Division of NPHIL


For further enquiries, please call any of the following numbers,

Mrs. Faith K. Whesseh – 0770279732 / 0886567912

Mrs. Louisa K. Cassell – 0886547870