Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Liberia FETP March 2020 Bulletin

Moving from Response to Capacity Building

The 2014/2015 Ebola epidemic in Liberia destabilized health systems and revealed weaknesses in disease surveillance and response in the country. After the Ebola outbreak, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) was introduced to contribute to strategies for the National Health Investment Plan. LFETP is to help:- develop a fit-for-purpose, productive & motivated health workforce & strengthen epidemic preparedness, surveillance and response systems.

LFETP was established by the Ministry of Health, owned by the National Public Health Institute of Liberia with financial and technical support from US CDC and AFENET.

COVID-19 response

The LFETP team worked together with the National Public Health Institute of Liberia to build contact tracing surge capacity by training 133 medical and MPH students.

Pic 1,2: Surge capacity training for medical and MPH students

Seven Intermediate FETP trainees also worked with the IPC Rapid Assessment team. Some LFETP Intermediate trainees and graduates would be working on a rapid survey on community risk perception of COVID where they hope to interview about 1000 people.

Pic 3: IPC Rapid Assessment at Port of Buchanan, Grand Bassa. Intermediate FETP residents arrowed.
Pic 4: IPC Rapid Assessment at Sinje Health Center, Grand Cape Mount

Liberia Research Clubs

Pic 5 :Facilitators demonstrating the use of Mendeley to participants.
Pic 6 : Facilitator Mulbah helping a participant out with Literature Review

From our participants on the field

Pic 7 : Mentor Wede providing mentorship to Intermediate FETP trainees in Grand Bassa on surveillance data analysis.

Acknowledgements: MoH – Liberia, National Public Health Institute of Liberia,  US CDC , AFENET, Liberia FETP Mentors, trainees and graduates