Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Liberia FETP February 2020 Bulletin

Moving from Response to Capacity Building

The 2014/2015 Ebola epidemic in Liberia destabilized health systems and revealed weaknesses in disease surveillance and response in the country. After the Ebola outbreak, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) was introduced to contribute to strategies for the National Health Investment Plan. LFETP is to help:- develop a fit-for-purpose, productive & motivated health workforce & strengthen epidemic preparedness, surveillance and response systems.

LFETP was established by the Ministry of Health, owned by the National Public Health Institute of Liberia with financial and technical support from US CDC and AFENET.

Intermediate Cohort 4, Workshop 1

The first workshop for Intermediate Cohort 4 training was held from February 3 – 10, 2020. There are 17 participants (all frontline graduates) comprising zonal, district and national surveillance officers, military personnel, amongst others. Workshop 1 covered topics such as Epi-info, surveillance, and case investigations

Pic 1: Mentors, Lily and Babs conducting a role play on mentorship
Pic 2: A cross-section of trainees during the pre-test
Pic 3: A group picture of participants and facilitators during the workshop
Pic 3: A group picture of participants and facilitators during the workshop

Liberia Research Clubs

The annual national scientific conferences in Liberia have revealed a need for a scientific research club to expose tertiary-level students and young budding scientists in Liberia to proper scientific research and writing practices. Although student participation at the conferences have been high (about 100), very few students have been able to submit abstracts and make presentations. The clubs are to help build capacity in research and scientific writing in the country.

Pic 4: A training session with students from the University of Liberia
Pic 5 : Module 1 training at the Center for Environmental and Public Health Research (CEPRES)
Pic 5 : Module 1 training at the Center for Environmental and Public Health Research (CEPRES)

From our participants on the field

Pic 6: Frontline Cohort 11 participant, Dr. Danny conducting surveillance problem analysis in Grand Bassa
Pic 6: Frontline Cohort 11 participant, Dr. Danny conducting surveillance problem analysis in Grand Bassa.

Acknowledgements: MoH – Liberia, National Public Health Institute of Liberia,  US CDC , AFENET, Liberia FETP Mentors, trainees and graduates