Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Liberia FETP December 2019 Bulletin

Moving from Response to Capacity Building

The 2014/2015 Ebola epidemic in Liberia destabilized health systems and revealed weaknesses in disease surveillance and response in the country. After the Ebola outbreak, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) was introduced to contribute to strategies for the National Health Investment Plan. LFETP is to help:- develop a fit-for-purpose, productive & motivated health workforce & strengthen epidemic preparedness, surveillance and response systems.

LFETP was established by the Ministry of Health, owned by the National Public Health Institute of Liberia with financial and technical support from US CDC and AFENET.

Frontline Cohort 11 Workshop

Frontline Cohort 11 training was held from November 25 to 30, 2019. There were 16 participants from various health facilities, the National Reference Laboratory, the military, amongst others. The first workshop covered surveillance, case investigation and training in the use of PowerPoint and Excel for presentations and data analysis.

Pic 1, 2: Participants busy with their group discussions and daily quizzes
A group picture of participants and facilitators at the end of the workshop
Pic 3: A group picture of participants and facilitators at the end of the workshop
Pic 4: Mentor Lily assisting participants during Workshop 1
Pic 5: Dr. Babalola explaining a point to participants
Pic 4: Mentor Lily assisting participants during Workshop 1
Pic 5: Dr. Babalola explaining a point to participants

Manuscript Writing Workshop

The manuscript writing workshop was held from December 2-6, 2019 for 18 participants including LFETP graduates, mental health officers, health administrators and monitoring and evaluation specialists.
Pic 6: The manuscript writing workshop was held from December 2-6, 2019 for 18 participants including LFETP graduates, mental health officers, health administrators and monitoring and evaluation specialists.
LFETP Resident Advisor taking participants through a session
Pic 7: LFETP Resident Advisor taking participants through a session.

TEPHINET Global Scientific Conference

LFETP Resident Advisor sharing her post-FETP job experience at the FETP Career Connect at the TEPHINET Global Scientific Conference held from October 28 to November 1, 2019 in Atlanta.
Pic 8: LFETP Resident Advisor sharing her post-FETP job experience at the FETP Career Connect at the TEPHINET Global Scientific Conference held from October 28 to November 1, 2019 in Atlanta.
Pic 9: the team of 4 LFETP attendees at the conference
Pic 9: the team of 4 LFETP attendees at the conference

Acknowledgements: MoH – Liberia, National Public Health Institute of Liberia,  US CDC , AFENET, Liberia FETP Mentors, trainees and graduates