Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Liberia FETP Bulletin: January 2022

Moving from Response to Capacity Building

Liberia FETP Retreat

AFENET Liberia FETP team had her first retreat for the year 2022 on January 11 -12, at the Monrovia office. The participants of the 2-day retreat included the unit heads of the Training and Capacity Building unit, the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (DIDE) of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia, and the Liberia FETP. The retreat deliberated on and finalized the plan for FETP training for 2022. They also reviewed the scientific writing capacity-building strategy for the year.
Pic 1: Participants at the LFETP retreat, January 2022: L-R, Lily Sanvee Blebo, FE, AFENET; Faith Whesseh, FE & Emergency Response Coordinator, AFENET; Dr Babalola, Medical FE, AFENET; Dr Maame Amo-Addae, Med FE & RA LFETP, AFENET, Dr Ralph Jetoh, Acting Director for Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (DIDE), NPHIL; Trokon Yeabah, National Data Manager, DIDE, NPHIL; Godwin Akpan, GIS/IT Specialist, AFENET; Behind - Brendalyn Tejan, Administrative Officer, AFENET; In front- Siatta Gray , Deputy Director, Training and Capacity Building, NPHIL, Dr Chukwuma Umeokonkwo, Medical FE and Scientific Writer, AFENET; Himiede Wede Sesay, FE, AFENET
Pic: 2: Day One during the LFETP retreat, January 11, 2022
Pic: 2: Day One during the LFETP retreat, January 11, 2022
Pic: 3: Day Two during the LFETP retreat, January 12, 2022
Pic: 3: Day Two during the LFETP retreat, January 12, 2022

Executive FETP Cohort 2 Workshop 1

Pic 4: Dr. Jetoh, Ag. Director DIDE, NPHIL introduced the FETP Executive to the participants
The training of the Executive FETP Cohort 2 began with their first workshop from January 17-21, 2022, at the Robert L. Johnson (RLJ) Hotel, Monrovia. The workshop was facilitated by AFENET staff and supported by the Program Director of Liberia FETP and the Director of Training Unit, NPHIL. Participants comprise 16 Medical Directors from 13 counties, most of whom are from public health facilities in Liberia.
Pic 5: A cross-section of participants and the faculty
Pic 5: A cross-section of participants and the faculty

IC6 O-PAC and selection by Stakeholder

FETP-Intermediate is a mid-level career between the Frontline and Advanced FETP courses. In Liberia, the selection of the participants is based on passing the pre-admission course, which became a virtual course following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pic 6: Participants at the O-PAC for Liberia FETP Intermediate Cohort 6
Following the FETP Intermediate Cohort 6 applications advertisement, 41 participants met the criteria for Online PreAdmission Course (O-PAC). The O-PAC was conducted from January 24th – 25th, 2022, and the examination was taken on January 26. However, FETP stakeholders held the selection meeting on January 26, 2022, and 16 candidates were selected for Cohort 6.
Pic 7: Selection committee members at the stakeholders’ IC6 selection meeting. In attendance: Director General NPHIL, Hon. Jane Macauley (with her team), and Resident Advisor LFETP, Dr. Maame Amo-Addae (with her team).
Pic 7: Selection committee members at the stakeholders’ IC6 selection meeting. In attendance: Director General NPHIL, Hon. Jane Macauley (with her team), and Resident Advisor LFETP, Dr. Maame Amo-Addae (with her team).

National Scientific Conference 3.0 Stakeholder Meeting

A stakeholder meeting for the Third National Scientific Conference scheduled for August 29-31, 2022 held on January 28, 2022 at the conference hall of National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL).The meeting which was chaired by the Deputy Director General Technical Services, Dr Julius, reviewed the plan for the conference, the theme and subthemes, the call for abstracts; proposed speakers, and established subcommittees for the conference. The participants in the meeting were from the University of Liberia, NPHIL, US CDC, Prevail, and AFENET
Pic 8: Stakeholders in a planning discussion about the National Scientific Conference
Pic 8: Stakeholders in a planning discussion about the National Scientific Conference

Orientation for COVID-19 Case Managers on Home-Based Care

Between January 19 and February 4, 2022, AFENET Liberia participated in the refresher training for 36 case managers on Home Based Care (HBC) in Montserrado County. The case managers were trained on:

  • filling of the data monitoring form
  • admitting of patients to home-based care – assessment of the home
  • building patient and case manager relationship on initial visitation
  • flyers for both patient’s caregivers and case managers

They were also orientated on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for case management (Home-Based Care)

Pic 9: Faith, Emergency Response Coordinator (AFENET Liberia) facilitating during Orientation for case managers on Home-Based Care
Pic 9: Faith, Emergency Response Coordinator (AFENET Liberia) facilitating during Orientation for case managers on Home-Based Care

Planning for Emergency Response

As part of AFENET Liberia technical support to the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), the Project Lead for Emergency Response, AFENET Liberia, Mrs. Faith K. Whesseh, had a one-day working session with the Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Unit of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology (DIDE) of NPHIL on 27th January 2022. The meeting reviewed the 2022 Workplan for Rapid Response Team (RRT) and developed the budget for the implementation of the work plan.
Pic 10: Faith, Emergency Response Coordinator (AFENET Liberia) coordinating the working session with EPR, DIDE
Pic 10: Faith, Emergency Response Coordinator (AFENET Liberia) coordinating the working session with EPR, DIDE

COVID-19 Technical Support for Montserrado County, Liberia’s Outbreak Epicenter

AFENET Liberia has continued to provide strategic and technical support to COVID-19 response in Liberia. At the onset of the fourth wave of the pandemic, AFENET Liberia provided technical support to the National Epi Surveillance Data Management Team on data analysis and geospatial mapping of the COVID-19 cases. AFENET Liberia also provided technical support to Montserrado County Health Team (MCHT). The AFENET team

spearheaded a two-day COVID-19 data consolidation at MCHT, trained data manager and Assistant County Surveillance Officer (CSO) on data visualization, generated and supplied hotspot communities to the Risk Communication team for community engagement. Logistical support was also given to the Case management team, Home-Based Care team, Data team, Emergency Operation Center (EOC) team in Central Monrovia and Commonwealth districts.

Pic 11: Godwin, GIS/IT Specialist (AFENET Liberia) reviewing, cleaning, and harmonizing COVID-19 cases for Montserrado and National Epi surveillance teams alongside the MCHT Data Manager, Cyrus, and the Assistant CSO, Rebecca, January 3, 2022.
Pic 11: Godwin, GIS/IT Specialist (AFENET Liberia) reviewing, cleaning, and harmonizing COVID-19 cases for Montserrado and National Epi surveillance teams alongside the MCHT Data Manager, Cyrus, and the Assistant CSO, Rebecca, January 3, 2022.
Pic 12: Distribution of COVID-19 cases in Montserrado communities during the fourth wave of the pandemic, January 4, 2022. [Map production: AFENET Liberia]
Pic 12: Distribution of COVID-19 cases in Montserrado communities during the fourth wave of the pandemic, January 4, 2022. [Map production: AFENET Liberia]