Liberia FETP Assists with EVD Outbreak Investigation

(Photograph of Liberia FETP Resident Advisor, Dr. Maame Amo-Addae, and Liberia FETP Graduate, Mr. Kleeker Jukoryam)

I write to inform you officially about the confirmed outbreak of EVD in Monrovia, Commonwealth District; A 10 year old boy, currently on admission at the ETU. Onset of sypmtoms: Friday, 13th November 2015.

Source of infection is unclear but suspected to be from mother who delivered a few days earlier at a traditional midwives unit. Mother fell ill shortly after delivery and just as she was getting better, her son fell ill too.

Currently, the husband and another son are also symptomatic and on admission at the ETU. Mother and baby are asymptomatic as at this morning but are under observation at the ETU.

In the meantime, contacts have been made (numbers unclear yet):
Health workers, lab workers and patients at JFK, Duport Health Centre, Benson Clinic (where the mother and son reported at various points in time)
School: Sick boy went to school on Monday 16th but was sent home because he was febrile.
Pastor: went to pray for the boy
Pharmacy shop: boy was taken there for first aid at onset of illness
Neighbours (from about 6 households) and family from Duala: went to visit boy at home
Commercial transport users: Commercial vehicles were used to convey boy to various points (these vehicles were not disinfected)

Response so far:
MOH (team Lead Dr Fallah) and partners (CDC, WHO) are on the ground. FETP team will be supporting the DSOs for contact identification and tracing.
I have already been in touch with Kleeker, the DSO for Commonwealth District to offer TA for his work.
There will be a press conference at 12noon GMT to inform the public.
Schools will not be closed but boy’s school mates, teachers and workers are under precautionary observation. Just as all contacts,

I will keep you updated. Questions and ideas welcome.
