Call for Applications: Liberia Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program 2023

With support from West African Health Organization (WAHO) and the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) is implementing the Liberia intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program (LFETP-I) to build local capacity for public health surveillance and its related functions, to strengthen the emergency preparedness and response through the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system.

The LFETP-I is a seven to nine-month in-service training which helps the participants build capacity in the following thematic areas;

  1. Public Health Surveillance
    • Conducting surveillance system evaluations
    • Secondary data analysis
    • Using surveillance for public health action
  2. Planned Studies
    • Designing and conducting a planned epidemiologic study
    • Using Epi info to analyze data
  3. Outbreak Investigations
    • Conducting descriptive and analytic epidemiology
    • Writing outbreak reports
  4. Scientific Communication
    • Developing presentation for local, national and international audiences
    • Developing abstracts on work-related projects

The NPHIL is inviting applications for admission into the seventh cohort of the LFETP-I, commencing in February 2023.

Pre-requisite for admission

  1. Job-related: The applicant should be a staff of NPHIL, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies in a surveillance- or data management-related position at the national, county, district or health facility levels. Interested staff of national public health/disease control programs including malaria, TB/HIV/STI, non-communicable disease, vaccine-preventable disease, and maternal and neonatal health are encouraged to apply.
  2. Academic: The applicant should be a graduate of the Frontline FETP and/or be prepared to undertake a pre-admission frontline competency assessment. Non-FETP graduates must have at least a first degree in Public Health
  3. Logistics: The applicant should have access to a functioning laptop throughout the training.


Applicants should present the following documents

  1. An application letter addressed to the Program Director, Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program, clearly describing how the training could be beneficial to the applicant.
  2. A cover letter of recommendation from the Head of the organization where the applicant works, the County Health Officer or the Director, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, NPHIL, indicating willingness to release the applicant for the in-class workshops and fieldwork
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Letter of interest/motivation

Deadline for application: Application is open till 5 pm, Sunday, February 12, 2023

For further inquiries, kindly call 0779549805, 0880369815, 0775594575